Saturday, July 28, 2018

just breathe

Dear Lord,

Right now, my life is a whirlwind. I'm moving. I'm remodeling the new condo. I'm selling and downsizing my stuff. I'm trying to keep up with summer school assignments. I feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day. I'm living at such a fast pace, never stopping to breathe. I've been putting my relationship with you on the back burner as I race against the clock to complete my long to-do list before school starts again in August. I almost forgot to write this post.

Lord, help me to remember to keep my focus on you and honor you through my crazy life. I know this is a season of testing my priorities, and I need to make time for you. Having an unfinished project before the start of school isn't going to affect my eternity. If my projects don't go as planned (which has seemed to become a recurring theme recently), help me to set aside my bitterness and stress and be thankful for the reminder that I -- a sinner -- am not in control of my own life, but you -- the God of the universe -- are. You have much more beautiful and valuable plans for my life. Help me to have peace in that promise.

I am exhausted, Father. I feel like I have to do this all alone. But those are lies. You are with me. Only you can give me the rest I need. You tell me --

 just breathe. 
come and rest at my feet. 
chaos calls but all you really need is me.
(lyrics from breathe by jonny diaz)

When I heard this song, it hit me like a pound of bricks. I know there is something more than this crazy life. So why am I living as if there isn't? The world is consumed by speed. Efficiency. Time management. Think about it -- fast-food, high speed internet, movies replacing books. Its almost impossible not to be busy in today's lifestyle. 

I've always wondered why that is. One lyric from this song really pointed it out to me: I'm busy, busy, busy and its no surprise to see that I only have time for me, me, me. When we live at a crazy-fast pace, we don't have time to notice, much less invest time, in the people around us. We don't have the spare seconds to hesitate. We don't stop and think. We don't listen. We don't want to slow down to listen to that voice inside us doubting the world we live in, wondering if there is something more, wondering if there is redemption. I believe that the 21st century is addicted to speed because it feeds our selfishness, and we don't even have enough time to realize it. The devil has sucked the world into this trap, and now it is nearly impossible to escape. 

- Savannah Brooke

Why do you think that our culture loves a fast-paced lifestyle? Do you find yourself falling into the trap as well? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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