about me

Hello, again! If you didn't already know, I'm Savannah Brooke. It's so nice to meet you, dear reader. I dedicated my life to Christ when I was very young, but for a long time, I just went to church with my family and studied the Bible in school. I never really had the relationship until around 2014. Now, I can't imagine living life without my Lord and Savior!

Dear reader, I would love to get to know each other better, so I'll list some random facts about myself, and I would love to here more about you in the comments section!

I'm going into my junior year of high school. This is a very scary thought so I'm ending that point here :)

I was homeschooled most of my elementary and middle school years, which I loved! My mom was an amazing teacher and I owe much of my education to her hard work and dedication. Also, her spiritual wisdom has been a huge blessing in my life. Love you, Mom!

I have an awesome older sister who just graduated high school. She is an extremely talented writer and graphic designer. You can check out her blog here.

I'm an extrovert, but you wouldn't think that at first notice. When I first talk to someone, I am actually pretty shy; but once I get to know someone, I really open up (maybe a little too much...).

In the summer of 2017, I took the most incredible mission trip to Peru with Never the Same Missions. (You should definitely check them out. 100% recommend.) As the name suggests, it was life-changing! I met so many bold brothers and sisters, learned about witnessing to people who speak a completely different language, and grew so much closer to the Lord. Honestly, I think this experience was my first inspiration to live a boldly for Christ!

I absolutely love the outdoors! The woods, the beach, the mountain -- all of them make me feel overwhelmed by God's creativity.

Currently, my favorite song is Reckless Love by Cory Asbury, but honestly, it changes depending on what season of life I am in. However, my favorite songs tend to be worship music by Hillsong or Bethel.

I'm totally a math/science person, but I try and stay enthusiastic about all my subjects (although history is a real struggle).

I enjoy cooking and baking (pretty sure I inherited that from the rest of my family). We are all foodies :)

The theme verse for my life is Philippians 1:20, "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death."

1 comment:

  1. Great to get to know you a bit, Savannah! I love your name, and you're so pretty. :) I found out about your blog through Alea, and it's so gorgeous and I'm loving the content. Thanks!
    Lilian - greenteawithbooks.wordpress.com


I would love to hear from you, the bold ones, on how God is working through your life -- so please comment below! Just remember to keep your comments clean, respectful, and glorifying to God.